In Palermo the consulate of the Republic of Zambia
In Palermo the consulate of the Republic of Zambia is established. Yesterday, the mayor Leoluca Orlando received the honorary consul Gabriele Messina (on the left) at the representative office of the Municipality in Villa Niscemi. Also present were a delegation of the Consular Corps and many Sicilian entrepreneurs as well.
Born in Altofonte in 1991, Gabriele Messina is a master’s degree in International Relations with the highest grades. Journalist and essayist with a number of publications on EU multi-level governance, international and media law and immigration. Despite his young age, his resume is highly respected and rich in high-level experiences in Italy and abroad.
“A new consulate that opens in Palermo and joins those already established for years with the presence of all continents, it is a further important signal of openness and capacity for relationships e international dialogue of the city – said Orlando -. I thank the Zambian authorities for choosing to open a consulate in Palermo, which will be a reference point for the community of that country e tool for strengthening cultural and economic relations and exchanges among our communities “.
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