Dronitalia, a Palermo start-up with Turkish capital, will take care of the surveillance of infrastructures and geographical areas

Dronitalia is an innovative start-up that deals with the analysis, monitoring and verification of infrastructures and geographical areas by means of drones equipped with modern software specially designed for carrying out surveying & inspections services. Dronitalia's partners are the Turkish companies Delta Solar and Peta Aerial Analysis, the latter leader in Turkey in the performance of services with unmanned vehicles. The architect of the partnership is Andrea Vincenti. "The Italian legislation dedicated to innovative start-ups - said Vincenti - is very attractive for foreign investors, also in light of the Investor Visa program, a type of simplified entry visa dedicated to non-EU foreigners who intend to invest in Italy". Dronitalia is one of the investment projects in Sicily followed by Lexia Avvocati, of which Vincenti is one of the founding partners and co-partners. "We believe that in Italy and in particular in Sicily, also due to its morphological conformation - observes Tunc Dalga, a representative of Peta - the use of drones can simplify and improve the verification and monitoring of public and private infrastructures. And not only that: just think of how drones can perform an efficient forest fire surveillance service, immediately identifying any outbreaks ". This year Dronitalia will hire specialized personnel in Sicily, with the aim of rapidly acquiring a leading role in the concerned market.
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