Digital tokens and community welfare. Circuito IES present in Milan at SMAU

CIRCUITO IES flies to Smau Milan to represent the innovation made in Sicily that is increasing interest in e-money. After being selected by the Sicilian Region among the 15 most innovative startups in the area to be presented at the Padiglione SICILIA, it reaches the important stage of MILAN by presenting two leading products aimed at the world of the sharing economy. validated by the ARCA Consortium, the business incubator of the University of Palermo, also thanks to the EU-GIVE project, promoted by Enterprise Europo Network, the largest European network in support of SMEs

We start with CIRCUITO IES, a network that uses a digital token (IES value) conveyed by an app + card wallet as a local exchange tool with which to exchange goods and services, skills and know-how to facilitate circulation between people, public bodies, businesses and associations generating new economies, new quality of life, new relationships, and strengthening local identity. SOCIAL IES continues, a service certificate issued by a platform that manages economic payments to citizens in the context of welfare policies. The peculiarity of the integrated system is in the use, in the event of a lack of municipal funds or other sources, of a digital token (IES value) issued in circularity on the territory and accepted as a form of payment by the affiliated activities, which acts as a tool strategic for local authorities.

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