Camplus Palermo the best univeristy residence in Italy
Palermo has the best Italian university residence: it is “Camplus Palermo” which won the “Professor Romano Del Nord” Award, decreed by a jury composed by architect Mario Cucinella, Mario Panizza, member of the housing committee and residences for university students, by Maria Teresa Lucarelli, president of the Italian Society of Architectural Technology, by Roberto Bologna, representing the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence and by the lawyer Agnese del Nord. “The former structure of the Benedictines in the heart of the historic center, is another flagship of Palermo Italian Capital of Culture – said Mayor Leoluca Orlando – and at the same time confirms the possibility and need to offer students who live in our city, high-level services and structures that support and facilitate the training program “.
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Progetti per un porto hub in Sicilia
Al via la quarta edizione del Festival delle Letterature Migranti.
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