Breast cancer prevention with an App. Students from Palermo at the European Innovation day final in health matters

A small and handy device connected to an app for smartphone to detect any morphological pathologies of the breast e thus facilitating early diagnosis and breast cancer prevention. This is  “Test your breast” a project that a group of students from the University of Palermo has brought at the Innovation Day organized by the ARCA Consortium of
EIT Health Community Program.

The group, composed by Matteo Procopio of the degree course in chemical and biochemical engineering, Enrico Tornatore and Alice Schirru students of the biotechnology degree course, Sara Volpes, Lucia Ambra Capici and Federica Ceraulo, students of the degree course Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Health, have indeed won the Sicilian competition in which 47 Palermo students took part. They are so goiing to participate at the meeting on December 1st in Paris, where, under the aegis of Imperial College London,  will be chosen the project to carry out.

“The idea of ​​developing a device and an app for the diagnosis of breast cancer – explain the six students – was born after reading of the alarming statistical data on this pathology. The goal that we are aiming to find a valid and safe methodology and at the same time easily accessible to all women. ”

For Fiammetta Pantò, Coordinator of the RIS EIT Health Hub of Consorzio ARCA, “it’s always a good experience to see young people accept new challenges with enthusiasm and competence. Also for this ARCA  from more than a decade carries out initiatives aimed at students and students are given the tools to be protagonists of the change of our land. “

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