An outdoor festival in 14 countries around the world. Palermo also partecipates in “One voice”. Eight artists at Palazzo Sant’Elia. From Wednesday 16th September
An outdoor festival in 14 countries around the world: Palermo also participates in "ONE Voice": eight artists at Palazzo Sant'Elia. From Wednesday 16 September
An outdoor festival in 14 countries around the world: Palermo also participates in "ONE Voice": eight artists at Palazzo Sant'Elia. From Wednesday 16 September. "ONE Voice" is a project conceived by the Fugaz Arte De Convivir Foundation, Peru, Mana Contemporary, USA. Up to now Peru, USA, Portugal, Angola, Panama, Italy, Cuba, Costa Rica, Israel, Ivory Coast, China, Australia, Japan, Romania have joined.
From Wednesday 16 to 30 September Fondazione Sant’Elia hosts the works of eight Sicilian artists, Mario Bajardi, Gandolfo Gabriele David, Andrea Kantos, Giacomo Rizzo, Mauro D’Agati, Nicola Pucci, Max Serradifalco, protagonists of short videos made by Antonio Macaluso. A single collective event will be held - Wednesday 16 September from 7 pm between the two external courts and the Cavallerizza of Palazzo Sant’Elia - to present installations, works and performances.
Then a "participatory performance" by Gandolfo Gabriele David on the symbolic value of the ceremonial "loaves". The Cavallerizza will host the latest works by Nicola Pucci from the unpublished “Bubbles” series. In a small corner of the main courtyard there will be a visual art installation by Andrea Kantos. In the second court there will be the screening of Mauro D’Agati's video "The City that no one has seen".
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