20 million euros from the European Investment Bank to support AMAP’s investment plan
The contract was finalized in Rome, with which the European Investment Bank (EIB) granted a 20 million euro loan to AMAP SpA for the construction of waste water treatment sector in the province of Palermo. The loan will cover 45% of the company’s investment plan of approximately 45 million, for the period 2017-2020. The loan is part of the BEI Program Loan, dedicated to small and medium-sized operators in the water sector and benefits from the guarantee granted by the European Union, pursuant to the European Fund for Strategic Investments (“European Fund for Strategic Investments”). EFSI).
The loan has a duration of 15 years and will allow the Company to improve services, infrastructures, sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants, in the Municipalities of the Palermo metropolitan area.
The signing of the contract took place at the Italian headquarters of the European Investment Bank. For the EIB Andrea Tinagli, Head of the Italian office, was present for AMAP the President, Maria Prestigiacomo and the vice-president Alessandro Di Martino.
“Funding to the water sector and the fight against climate change is one of the points of reference for the EIB’s activity: AMAP, in particular, was able to seize the opportunities offered by the Program loan, dedicated to small and medium-sized operators in the sector presenting an investment plan that includes interventions on the water network and wastewater treatment plants in the Province of Palermo “, commented Andrea Tinagli.
The President of AMAP, Maria Prestigiacomo, said: “This loan certifies the trust placed by the EIB on the AMAP projects for the territory of Palermo and Province. We are a Public Company. and the granting of the Loan demonstrates the validity and reliability of our projects, in implementing a long-term program. The transaction was conducted with the support and advice of Ethica & Mittel Debt Advisory Srl “.
The Mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, declares:
“It is the confirmation of the goodness of the strategic choice of the City of Palermo, to keep public the management of the water, and that allowed, thanks to the commitment of the Amap and the 34 Municipalities of the Palermo Area, members of the social structure, to realize with almost one million users, one the largest public water Company in Italy”.
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