Düsseldorf: Heine-Preis 2018 für Leoluca Orlando
Düsseldorf vergibt in jedem Jahr den Heine Preis an Persönlichkeiten, die sich im Sinne Heinrich Heines für sozialen, politischen oder völkerverbindenden Fortschritt und Zusammenhalt einsetzen. Der Preisträger 2018 ist der Bürgermeister von Palermo, Leoluca Orlando.Oberbürgermeister Thomas Geisel nahm die ...
The mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando received the Heinrich-Heine award in Dusseldorf
The mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando received the Heinrich-Heine award in Dusseldorf, a biennial award entitled to the German poet who is assigned to people who have distinguished themselves for their commitment in the social field and the dialogue between peoples "to promote social and political progress, foster ...
Il sindaco di Palermo Leoluca Orlando ha ricevuto a Dusseldorf il premio Heinrich-Heine
Il sindaco di Palermo Leoluca Orlando ha ricevuto a Dusseldorf il premio Heinrich-Heine, riconoscimento biennale intitolato al poeta tedesco che viene assegnato a personalità della cultura che si sono distinte anche per il proprio impegno nel campo sociale e del dialogo fra i popoli “per promuovere il ...
The Club Corone Sicilia & Federation of Sicilian Confectioners Artists. “Il Giullare”, restaurant in Alcamo
As a member of the Club Corone Sicilia & Federation of Sicilian Pastry Chefs, I came to the picturesque city of Alcamo. I experienced its excellence in Sicilian cuisine, but I'm even more impressed by the restaurant I met today, "Il Giullare", whose name is inspired by the great poet and jester Ciullo ...