Salvatore Gravante nuovo Comandante del Porto di Palermo

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Si è svolta la cerimonia per il passaggio di Comando tra il Contrammiraglio Gaetano Martinez ed il Contrammiraglio Salvatore Gravante che diventa così il nuovo Direttore Marittimo della Sicilia Occidentale, nonché Comandante del Porto di Palermo.   La cerimonia ha avuto luogo presso il Porticciolo ...

Historical Archives and the Library of Casaprofessa open Saturday 23 and Sunday 24

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Among other events linked to the European Heritage Days, the Historical Archives of Palermo, via Maqueda 157 and the Municipal Library of Casa Professa, Piazzetta Brunaccini, 1 will be open to the public on Saturday 23 and Sunday, 24 September 2017, from 10am to 6pm. The event, conceived in 1991 by the Council ...

Leoluca Orlando in Leiden, Holland, at VeerStichting Symposium

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Mayor Leoluca Orlando is in Leiden, Holland, to participate in the VeerStichting Symposium, organized by the University of Leiden, and attended by more than 300 influencer students and intellectuals. The Mayor was invited as a keynote speaker on the topic of human mobility as a fundamental human ...