Tomorrow will start Ballarò Buskers International Street Arts Festival

Tomorrow will start Ballarò Buskers International Street Arts Festival – 3rd Edition. Six squares, a street-garden, a hundred artists, the great magic of art in the historic district of Ballarò.
In Palermo from 19 to 21 October 2018 –


• Piazza Mediterraneo

19.00: opening toast festival with I Matinet [music] and Alessia Spatoliatore [theater]
8.30 pm: parade through the streets of the Albergheria neighborhood with Sambazita [samba street band]

• Piazza Santa Chiara
Presentation party BBF 2018
9.30pm Andrea Farnetani [circus arts]
10.30 pm Gipsy quartet [music]
11.30pm BE Dixie [music]


• Piazza Mediterraneo
6.30 pm: Luigi Ciotta [circus arts]
7.30 pm:  Collectivo Sangue Blu [poetic raids]
8.30pm: Marcos Masetti [circus arts]

• Piazza Brunaccini
4.00-5.15pm: Palma Nana and Insule Lab [workshop for children]
5.30 pm: Compagnia BellaVita [circus arts]
6.15 pm: Sergio Garau [poetic raids]
19.00 – 21.00: Migrant Art [open circle of artistic shares]

• Piazza Casa Professa
17-23 hours: Craft Market
4.00 pm – 5.45 pm: Circ’opificio Lab [workshop for children and teenagers]
6.15 pm: Circus Bipolar [circus arts]
7.15 pm: Miss Jenny Pavone [circus arts]
8.15 pm: Circus Bipolar [circus arts]
9.00 pm: Miss Jenny Pavone [circus arts]
Following parade with Sambazita [music]

• Piazza Ballarò
6.00 pm: Marcos Masetti [circus arts]
18.45 pm: Be Dixie [music]
8.00 pm: Sergio Garau [theater] + LabArts [music]

• Piazza del Carmine
18.00: Parade with Sambazita (departure of the parade from the Cassaro Alto at 16.00) [music]
6.00 pm: Adriano Cangemi [circus arts]
7.00 pm: Compagnia BellaVita [circus arts]
8.00 pm: Adriano Cangemi [circus arts]
Following parade with Be Dixie

• Salita Raffadali
18.00 / 20.30: Between words and whispers by Francesco Giordano (Piccolo Teatro Patafisico) with the poets Slam

• Piazza Santa Chiara
10.00 pm: Luigi Ciotta [circus arts]
11.00 pm: Free Shots [music]


• Piazza Mediterraneo
5.15 pm: Compagnia BellaVita [circus arts]
6.15 pm: Luigi Ciotta [circus arts]
7.15 pm: Coklettivo sangue Blu [poetic raids]
8.00 pm: Marcos Masetti [circus arts]

• Piazza Brunaccini
4.00 pm – 5.30 pm: Insule and Palma Nana Lab [workshop for children]
5.45 pm: Teatro Atlante and the Piccola Compagnia Silente – Alice in Wonderland [theater]
7.00 pm: Antonella Sampino and Fabio Lo Meo and the Beatan Garden [theater]
7.45 pm: Alessia Spatoliatore [theater]
8.45 pm: Andrea Farnetani [circus arts]
9.30pm: L’Orchestra di Tavola Rotonda[music]
10.30 pm: Dj Pisk: closing party [music]

• Garden Peppe Schiera
4.30 pm: The Adventures of Peppe SenzaSuola in Ballarò “by Alberto Nicolino, illustrations by Igor Scalisi Palminteri – Edizioni Glifo [children’s book presentation]

• Piazza Casa Professa
17-23 hours: Craft Market
3.30 – 5.00 pm: Circ’opificio Lab [workshop for children and teenagers]
5.15 pm: Circus Bipolar [circus arts]
18.15 pm: Miss Jenny Pavone [circus arts]
7.15 pm: Compagnia BellaVita [circus arts]
8.00 pm: Miss Jenny Pavone [circus arts]

• Piazza Ballarò
5.00 pm: Sergio Garau [theater]
5.45 pm: L’Orchestra Tavola Rotonda [music]
6.30 pm: Marcos Masetti [circus arts]
8.00 pm: Luigi Ciotta [circus arts]

• Piazza del Carmine
5.30 pm: Parade with Sambazita (departure of the parade from the Teatro Massimo at 15.30) [music]
6.00 pm: Adriano Cangemi [circus arts]
7.00 pm: Circus Bipolar [circus arts]
8.00 pm: Adriano Cangemi [circus arts]
Following closing parade with Sambazita [music]

• Salita Raffadali
18.00 / 20.30: Between words and whispers by Francesco Giordano (Piccolo Teatro Patafisico) with the poets Slam

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