The Ambassador of Hungary Mr Kovacs is in Palermo
The Mayor Leoluca Orlando received at Palazzo delle Aquile the Ambassador of Hungary, Adam Zoltan Kovacs, accompanied by Simon Attila, managing director of the historic manufacture of Hungarian porcelains Herend, by the honorary consul of Hungary, Andrea Boldizsar, and by Ulderico Lepreri, curator of Artintavola, the exhibition in progress at Palazzo Bonocore dedicated to
European manufacturers, including Herend porcelain.
Simon Attila of the Herend has donated to the mayor Orlando a refined porcelain picture made by the Hungarian manufacturers, which reproduces a nineteenth-century view of Piazza Pretoria.
Mayor Orlando praised the delicacy of the Hungarian manufacturers and underlined the importance of the relationship between Sicily and Hungary, in the perspective of the common promotion of craft excellences. Orlando has also appreciated the Artintavola exhibition, which joins together Hungarian and Palermo made craft items, as long as porcelain and glassware and the models of the Festino wagons stand together on the tables.
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