Teatro Massimo. Excellent overall results in 2017
The Teatro Massimo concludes 2017 with full satisfaction and, after the last performance of the year with December 28 (the production of the ballet “La bella dormente nel bosco” at the end of the year has reached almost 11,000 admissions), sums up the year: accounts in order for the fifth year in a row, an increase in the number of spectators and income from the box office, with a significant presence of young people and an important percentage of tickets sold online.
The percentage of filling of the sala Grande for the season of operas, ballets and concerts just ended has reached 80%, with many shows completely sold out. The paying spectators in 2017 were 145,610 (136,435 in 2016, 105,860 in 2014). As a result, the box office revenues also rose by 10% compared to the previous year and by 46.3%, the figure for 2014, now reaching over 3.5 million. To these figures we must add the 15,000 spectators of the tour in Japan, the tens of thousands that have crowded the free entry events (Maratona Chopin, Piano City, Opera Camion …) and about 40,000 who have followed the streaming broadcasts of the operas and concerts, thanks to the innovative breakthrough represented by the Teatro Massimo WebTv, bringing the total audience far beyond two hundred thousand.
The percentage of filling of the sala Grande for the season of operas, ballets and concerts just ended has reached 80%, with many shows completely sold out. The paying spectators in 2017 were 145,610 (136,435 in 2016, 105,860 in 2014). As a result, the box office revenues also rose by 10% compared to the previous year and by 46.3%, the figure for 2014, now reaching over 3.5 million. To these figures we must add the 15,000 spectators of the tour in Japan, the tens of thousands that have crowded the free entry events (Maratona Chopin, Piano City, Opera Camion …) and about 40,000 who have followed the streaming broadcasts of the operas and concerts, thanks to the innovative breakthrough represented by the Teatro Massimo WebTv, bringing the total audience far beyond two hundred thousand.
Francesco Giambrone
Leoluca Orlando
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