Start the international communication plan for Palermo, the capital of culture. Target: five million visitors

Reach five million potential visitors: this is the goal of the international communication plan for the launch of Palermo as the Italian Capital of Culture, which has kicked off these days. Both Ulisse, fly-magazine of Alitalia and Traveler of EasyJet have articles that talk about the new face of Palermo, which this year is the focus of international attention; city ​​chosen by tourists from all over the world – already there is a +17 percent in arrivals, according to data provided by the port and airport managers – but above all it is among the most popular destinations from magazines and travel sites: from Tripadvisor to SkyScanner on the travel pages of Sole24Ore, VanityFair, QuiTouring. So Palermo is present on the main international and national newspapers: from the first page dedicated by the New York Times, to services on Die Welt, Euronews, National Geographic, Dove,, Famiglia Cristiana, Rai national channels, and many others. Bell’Italia will dedicate an insert to Palermo. In April, journalists from the major travel magazines will be reunited in the province of Palermo to “taste” the Sicily product.

Last Tuesday, the “Palermo project” was presented by the mayor Leoluca Orlando to journalists of international newspapers, during a meeting at the Rome Press Office.

“Palermo, the Italian Capital of Culture and Manifesta12 – said Mayor Leoluca Orlando – with ist rich calendar of events and performances that take place in the city, represent an extraordinary opportunity for Palermo.

It is the opportunity to leave behind us a sad past. This is why we have chosen to establish relationships and propose Palermo to the great international tourism market. Already in these first months the results have been exceptional and, thanks to contacts and interlocutions with the foreign press, we are certain that they will continue to grow, bringing new tourist and economic flows to Palermo “.

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