Russians and Ukrainians studying together for peace

Russians and Ukrainians together in Sicily to study at universities, fine arts academies and music conservatories. Ersu Palermo, the institution for the right to university study in western Sicily, assists students from the two conflicting countries with scholarships and services at theirs university residences.
Palermo Capitale italiana dei Giovani 2017
In Sicily is the first italian accessible tourism for disabled people.
Nederlandse Know how bij het aanleggen van fietspaden in Palermo
James Fox
Progetti per un porto hub in Sicilia
“Biblio Road. The visual art in the world of the vinyl”. A book by Filippo Barbaro
Servizio su Palermo del New York Times
Silvio Micali, docente al MIT “Palermitano nel Mondo”
From 18 to 22 September, Animaphix, an international film festival dedicated to author’s animated films in Bagheria
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