Photographic contest of Castelbuono. Last days to register
Until Sunday 1 July there is time to participate in the XIX edition of the National Photography Contest – Città di Castelbuono “Enzo La Grua Young Prize” organized by the Enzo La Grua Cultural Association.
Vincenzo Cucco, head of the organization, has called for Saturday, July 7, the jury composed by himself, as president, by Aldo Gerbino, writer and art critic, by Marco Romano, deputy editor of the Giornale di Sicilia, by Mario Zito, director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, by photographers Shobha and Tony Gentile and by the photojournalist Grazia Bucca. The commission will have the task of choosing the works to be awarded according to technical and artistic criteria.
After the publication of the catalog book “Del fotografare: Ritratti, Architetture, Visioni“, on the history and evolution of the Competition in the just 18 editions curated by Vincenzo Cucco himself, the creator of the competition, is now time of the publication of the “Calendar 2019” reproducing all the awarded photographs.
The selected works will be exhibited in the “Centro Sud” space, Art Director Massimiliano La Grua, from the 14th August, day of the inauguration, to the 22nd of August.
The award ceremony will take place on Saturday 18 August at 7.30 pm in the evocative Cloister of San Francesco, in which the “Fiori di Carta” Theater Company directed by Clelia Cucco will represent a theatrical piece. On the same occasion the “Calendar 2019” will be presented and distributed.
“I Silenzi di Maggiano” by Giorgio Maggi
The event is supported by the Presidency, by the Assembly and by the Tourism and Entertainment Department of the Sicilian Region, University of Palermo, Academy of Fine Arts, Municipality and Civic Museum of Castelbuono, Banca Mediolanum, Associazione D.L.F. Palermo, Cangemi Optics, CTA Fauni Assisted Therapeutic Community, EsperoNews Magazine, Ceramiche Parrucca, and the private Castelbuono based entrepreneurship represented by Agriturismo Bergi, Masseria Rocca di Gonato, Paradiso delle Madonie Hotel, Fiasconaro, Il Giardino di Venere restaurant, Tumminello biscottificio, Robert Goodman photo, Punto Verde plants and flowers.
The National Competition of Photography Città di Castelbuono, with the Enzo La Grua Cultural Association, continues to support the “A Cuore Aperto Onlus” Association, president prof. Giovanni Ruvolo, Director of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome for the initiative “A heart for Ipogolo” in Tanzania.
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