Palermo I-design new local designers show their work
From 9 to 19 November will take place in Palermo I-design, the event in which new local designers show their ability to combine tradition with innovation, training with marketing.
A great deal of attention is directed at the millennials for which a Youth Committee composed of students from the Academy of Fine Arts and the University of Palermo created in 2017. The works of millennials are characterized by the fact that different cultural elements blend music, food, performance, art.
A two-day seminar will focus on the issues of migration and climatic conditions that will be the basis of the great Manifesta event scheduled in Palermo in 2018. The seminar will be accompanied by the Aquatecture exhibition, promoted by Associazione H2O Association Nuovi scenari per la sopravvivenza, which addresses the issues of water conservation and saving through the culture of the project, proposing creative solutions elaborated by architects, graphic designers and designers.
The event, sponsored by the GDM Company Giuseppe Di Maria, I-design’s main sponsor, also includes the “Color Architecture” conference, which aims to highlight the role of color as a design component, highlighting the new approaches designed to create unprecedented scenarios for the urban environment, for which new opportunities for social aggregation will be outlined, as well as for the domestic one, to personalize the different areas of the home.
For the first time I-design also chooses a theme: Naturalia / Artificialia is a very large and current theme that encapsulates the concepts of recycling, reuse, sustainability and that within the event will include a series of projects aimed at highlighting innovation and attention to the environment.
I-design then opens up to national museums and institutions, hosting the Museum of Sant’Anatolia di Narco (PG), promoted by the Umbria Region, which will exhibit the projects drawn up together with the Politecnico di Milano.
Aquatecture mostra
Two historical, contemporary itineraries are planned. The first will contemplate the Sicilian production of the second half of the 19th century through the story of successful stories. This edition focuses on the factories, the Ducrot of Palermo and the Sardine of Acireale.
To tell the story of the liberty period, the We Liberty Association has set up six thematic walking tours, accompanied by a tasteful experience to project the visitor into the culture of the fin de siécle period. A journey through the history of the design of the ‘900 is that proposed by Studio Prestileo Bianco, which opens to the public its own collection of about three hundred objects divided by themes.
A piece of the history of design is also what Pietro Camardella, Pininfarina’s designer, tells us in the exhibition The Shape of Speed, which will show, among other things, the models designed for Ferrari (F40, F50, 456gt the prototype of Mythos).
Among other things, the participation of the Free University of Bolzano with the project Kuno Prey entitled “In vitro veritas” dedicated to wine containers, born of collaboration between students, teachers and companies.
Daniela Brignone, curator I-design
The young designers will be housed in the Longho store of Michele Longo at Palazzo Pintacuda, a splendid seat of liberty, a meeting point for class design that selects the best historical brands, but also new proposals. Exhibits Massimiliano Masellis (Studio MMA) with lamp # Lesson1, Claudia Gambina with Orambù bamboo cane clocks, Mario Musumeci with First Chef stool and A-Flex coat rack, Fabrizio Averna and Marco Sollami (Studio Domino) with Elea lamp and Nido hanger. The Architects’ Order will also enhance the talent of two young Sicilian designers, Carola Arrivas Bajardi, designer of environmentally friendly furnishings, and Rosa Vetrano, the author of a sensory experience to sensitize the protection of the marine environment.
Mayor Leoluca Orlando said that “design is art, design is professionalism, but it is also an excuse to showcase the beauties of a city, business excellence and professional excellence. This too is a reason for pride, because Palermo is also Capital of Culture. Culture is not only artistic culture, but it is also the artistic culture that becomes a professional culture and then becomes an industrial product. That is why it is important that it is promoted by the Ministry for Economic Development with the City of Palermo and that it registers the involvement of the city, even those cultural sites that were once a building site where creativity came to life in industrial products.”
Culture Councilor Andrea Cusumano stressed: “It seems to me further confirmation that sowing on fertile soil, in a city that focuses on culture as a development factor, is yielding its fruit. I-design, as well as many other initiatives, has an institutional character, carries out a public service.”
Carola Arrivas Bajardi, Tavolo Ercole (Table Hercules) and Cigno a dondolo (Cygnet rocking cahir)
I-design will be inaugurated on Thursday, November 9 at 5 pm, at Cinema De Seta, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, via Paolo Gili 4. On this occasion, exhibitions will be exhibited followed by a guided tour. At the Cinema De Seta will inaugurate “Ducrot – Palermo. Quality and profit in industrial production of furniture and furnishings “: a photographic story illustrates the history and production of the factory founded by Vittorio Ducrot. Edited by Eliana Mauro, Carla Quartarone, Ettore Sessa (Issue No. 1 CFP).
Within Le Botteghe, the following exhibitions will be located:
– “Fabric-Action @Palermo”, curated by Polifactory – Politecnico di Milano and Museum of Sant’Anatolia di Narco (PG). A selection of design objects made with hemp. Promoted by Umbria Region, Politecnico Foundation of Milan, Ghenos Communication. Glenda Giampaoli (Director of the Museum) and Patrizia Bolzan (Ph.D in Design, ResearchFellowPolifactory, Politecnico di Milano) will be interviewed (Release 1 CFP).
– “The award-winning Sardella company of Acireale. The first factory in Italy made of steamed wood furniture and chairs “by Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Daniela Brignone, Gianni Di Matteo. The history of one of Sicily’s most innovative and renowned furniture factories in Italy between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Release 1 CFP).
– “Pietro Camardella, the form of speed”, edited by Gianni Pedone. The story of famous Ferrari models (F40, F50, Mythos, 456gt) told by the designer who designed them. With the participation of Angelo Pizzuto, Chairman of the Automobil Club of Palermo, Alessandro LiMuli, President of the Scuderia Ferrari Club in Palermo and Nino Vaccarella and Giosuè Rizzuto (Release 1 CFP).
– Exhibition of Santa Rosalia carriage and sculpture project through an installation. Idea and set up by Andrea Buglisi and Franco Reina. Contributions photos and videos by Germana Sfameli. Promoted by theLiceo Catalano of Palermo (Release 1 CFP)
At the 7 pm, the famous designer Pietro Camardella, designer of Ferrari models, will hold a lectio titled “The Shape of Speed” at Space Cre.Zi Plus, always within the Shipyards (Release 2 CFP).

Claudia Gambina, Orambù watches, at Longho
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