Palermo becomes a pole for the construction of cruise ships The 75.5 million of financing unblock the agreement with Fincantieri
“It was one of the key points of the program that we had launched as a port system authority only a year ago. Today, in thanking the government, the ministers, first and foremost the deputy prime minister Di Maio who had made this commitment his own by visiting the port of Palermo last November, the parliamentarians including in particular the Honorable Adriano Varrica, with whom we made all this possible, and the general manager Coletta with all his staff, we can only express our enthusiastic satisfaction for having unblocked an operation that will allow Fincantieri to build cruise ships in Palermo guaranteeing with his shipyard a job that will induc extraordinary increases in the number of employees ”. This was stated today by the president of the AdSP of Western Sicily, Pasqualino Monti after the confirmation by the deputy prime minister of the financing of 75.5 million euros for the dry dock of Palermo that, on the basis of the agreement signed by Fincantieri and port system authorities will once again definitively give centrality and role to the port of Palermo and to Sicily as a whole, within the world market of highly specialized shipbuilding.
“After the turning point in the cruise sector which means to win the trust of the big companies – said Monti – this news marks a historic turning point for Palermo and the affirmation of a leading role for the port to guarantee work and productivity for the entire Sicilian economy” .
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