Palermo and the European day of Jewish Culture
Speaking at Palazzo Steri at the opening ceremony of the European Day of Jewish Culture, happening in 35 European countries, Mayor Leoluca Orlando said that “this year Palermo has been designated as the leader of the Italian Capital of Culture Jewish. As mayor of the city, I express gratitude to the Union of Jewish communities for this choice a choice proving that the city is trying to join roots and wings”.
“Palermo is not a European city but a Middle Eastern city in Europe – said Mr Orlando – and, applying the ius soli, we are proud to be Europeans. Palermo is Istanbul, Jerusalem, Beirut: Istanbul, Jerusalem and Beirut with tram and wi-fi.
I think that Palermo is now, in the world, a point of reference in giving shelter. Jewish culture is a precious tile of Palermo mosaic, whose frame is the guarantee of harmony and respect for every human person”.
“Our roots come first the yaer 1492: that terrible year in which Lorenzo the Magnificent died, an Italian discovered America and the Real Spain hunted Jews and Muslims, transforming the Mediterranean – which was a kind of ocean of the world in that time – into a lake of conflicts and suburbs. Now we want reacreate this harmony”.
The Mayor announced the next opening of a Synagogue in Palermo, also thanks to the Archbishop.
Next October University of Palermo and the Municipality are going to hold a conference about Jewish culture, Roots and Wings.
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