Neurosurgery, 200 world experts in Sicily.Specialists from Russia, USA, China, South America and Europe on the new frontiers of spinal traumatology.
More than 200 specialists from all over the world, 70 reports, 85 speakers, 14 sessions, 1250 minutes of scientific presentations, 2 lectio magistralis, 4 keynote lectures: these are the numbers of the international “Pannonians Move to Sicily – CNS Trauma: The Challenge of Reconstruction – Messina Neuro Trauma 2019 “, an appointment of the highest medical-scientific value that will be held between Messina and Milazzo on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October. The event, promoted by the Neurosurgery of the “G. Martino” University Hospital in Messina and by the members of the scientific committee Antonino Germanò (ph. above), Andras Buki and Niklas Marklund, enjoys the patronage and the close collaboration with prestigious bodies, first of all the WFSN-World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (which brings together scientific neurosurgery companies from around the world), the EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) and SINCH (Italian Society of Neurosurgery), as well as the University of Messina and the Order of Physicians-Surgeons and dentists. The meeting will be chaired by John T. Povlishock (Director of the Commonwealth Center for the study of head trauma in Richmond-Virginia, USA) and Franco Servadei (President of the WFNS); honorary presidents Tamas Doczi (Pecs, Hungary) and Francesco Tomasello from Messina (President Emeritus of the WFNS). Neurosurgeons and specialists from other branches of medicine, in particular traumatology, from Russia, USA, various countries in South America, China, Spain, Germany, France and other nations will discuss on the last frontiers related to cranial and spinal traumas: from translational researches to the basic pathophysiological mechanisms of reconstruction, recommendations and guidelines to the demand for global care, up to the new possibilities of surgical treatment. The congress will also host two WFNS satellite symposia.
The event was born after a series of meetings held since 2000 in Pecs in Hungary by Andras Buki and Tamas Doczi, which have met with considerable success in the world of neurosurgery: Messina represents the 11th edition of this event and marks a new format of union and sharing of objectives between the universities of Messina, Pecs-Hungary and Lund-Sweden.
“Messina Neuro Trauma 2019” will see the inaugural ceremony in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Messina on Thursday 3 at 6.30 pm, while the scientific sessions will take place at the Eolian Milazzo Hotel.
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