Municipality of Palermo joins to the first edition of “Digital Business Week”. From 14th to 18th September

to the first edition of "Digital Business Week", in 
Municipality of Palermo adheres to the first edition of "Digital Business Week", in Palermo from 14 to 18 September

The Municipality of Palermo joins the first edition of "Digital Business Week" to be held in Palermo from 14 to 18 September next, promoted by Energia media and the Palermo Mediterranea Business Community, in collaboration with the Municipality of Palermo, the University of of Palermo and the Utilitalia Federation.

With the Digital Business Week, the organizers convene in a double meeting - the second is scheduled for April 2021 - a business community, able to dialogue with local stakeholders, transforming itself into an experimental laboratory for the South of Italy. The goal is to unite Public and Private through working groups, workshops, in a program of cultural, social, economic and technological innovation.

The inaugural event will take place at Palazzo delle Aquile on 14 and then continue at Palazzo Sant’Elia from 15 to 18 September with special thematic tables, from which a programmatic document and a work plan will come out, especially useful for attracting businesses and investments.

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