“Life Sciences and Biomedical Technologies” conference on the health of Mediterranean countries on October 5 and 6 in Palermo
The populations of European countries such as Italy are faced with economic, demographic and therefore epidemiological changes. The peoples of the countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean want to get better conditions of life and health, hence the dramatic phenomenon of migration. Added to this is the aging of the population and related chronic diseases. This entails new needs and a new health care. In addition to socio-economic development, it is therefore necessary to have adequate health care, diagnostic and therapeutic devices, drugs and methods of prevention and medical treatment. But it also requires training and information in the health acknowledgemt to both citizens and health professionals in their respective countries.
Life sciences and infobiomedical technologies, such as bioinformatics and telemedicine, can greatly contribute to better treatments and care, allowing rapid access to diagnostic methods and therapeutic procedures used in many hospitals, centers of excellence present in Italy and also located in the south and in Sicily. Thanks to the increasingly powerful and accessible telecommunication media, it is possible to carry out an ever increasing number of telediagnosis and clinical teleconsultation activities (teleradiology, telepathology teleoncology, telecardiology, teleophthalmology, etc.), telemonitoring of chronic diseases and teleriabilitaziome of people with disabilities. There are several cooperation projects between Italian and Mediterranean health units: active initiatives both at central and regional level (single universities, hospitals, research centers, voluntary associations and NGOs). These and other topics will be addressed during the conference entitled “Life Sciences and Biomedical Technologies” which will take place in Palermo on October 5th and 6th. The conference is going to focus the evolution of life sciences and health technologies (research and innovation in the biomedical field), on various research projects, applications and experiences of cooperation in this part of the world characterized in its millennial history of many cultural, scientific and technological processes and developments. The final objective is the creation of a Mediterranean Health Technology Observatory
Life sciences and infobiomedical technologies, such as bioinformatics and telemedicine, can greatly contribute to better treatments and care, allowing rapid access to diagnostic methods and therapeutic procedures used in many hospitals, centers of excellence present in Italy and also located in the south and in Sicily. Thanks to the increasingly powerful and accessible telecommunication media, it is possible to carry out an ever increasing number of telediagnosis and clinical teleconsultation activities (teleradiology, telepathology teleoncology, telecardiology, teleophthalmology, etc.), telemonitoring of chronic diseases and teleriabilitaziome of people with disabilities. There are several cooperation projects between Italian and Mediterranean health units: active initiatives both at central and regional level (single universities, hospitals, research centers, voluntary associations and NGOs). These and other topics will be addressed during the conference entitled “Life Sciences and Biomedical Technologies” which will take place in Palermo on October 5th and 6th. The conference is going to focus the evolution of life sciences and health technologies (research and innovation in the biomedical field), on various research projects, applications and experiences of cooperation in this part of the world characterized in its millennial history of many cultural, scientific and technological processes and developments. The final objective is the creation of a Mediterranean Health Technology Observatory
Friday 5 October 2018
9.30 am . Introduces and chairs: Francesco Sicurello, President of IITM / @ ITIM, University of Milan Bicocca
Session 1: Biomedical research and technological innovation in health care for new diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation processes
Epidemiological aspects; Alfredo Nicolosi, ITB – CNR, Milan
Telecommunications technologies for present and future medicine; Alfio Lombardo, University of Catania)
Cognitive disability; Angela Morreale, Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute, Imola
Molecular imaging and applications in radiotherapy; Maria Carla Gilardi ,. IBFM-CNR Milan – Giorgio Russo, IBFM-CNR, UOS Hospital of Cefalù
Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence in Oncological Imaging; Leonardo Rundo, University of Milan-Bicocca and CNR-IBFM UOS Cefalù
Big Data in Medicine; Giuseppe De Pietro, ICAR-CNR, Maurizio Urso, ICAR-CNR Palermo
PET Therapy and Geriatrics; Antonio Pugliese, University of Messina 11.30 am . Coffee break 11.45 am . Networking and discussion 12. 30 am . Lunch Break 2.00 pm Greeting address Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of Palermo 2.15 pm Introduced and presided: Adelfio Elio Cardinale, President of the “Italian Society of the History of Medicine”, Vice President of the Superior Council of Health Special Session / Workshop: Diseases, health conditions and socio-health aspects in the immigration emergency Marina Rizzo, Santa Sofia Hospital Palermo, President A.I.D.M. Italian Association of Medical Women, Palermo
Stefano Riva di Sanseverino, University of Palermo
Giuseppe Tritto, WABT Unesco, Paris
Maria Luisa Ganadu, University of Sassari dumas
Francesco Amenta, President of CIRM – International Center for Medical Radio, Rome
Gaetano Dipietro, President of the Italian Association of Disaster Medicine
Fabio D’Agostino / Salvatore Zichichi, Italian Red Cross, Palermo 4.30 pm . Coffee break 4.45 pm .Mediterranean Network for Medicine (Med2Net, Mediterranean Medical Network) From the Intr @ Med project between the Italian Hospital Umberto I in Cairo and the ARNAS Civic Hospital of Palermo to EMMIT (Euro-Mediterranean Medical Informatics & Telemedicine) Cooperation; Francesco Sicurello, President of IITM / @ ITIM, University of Milan Bicocca
Evolution of the last twenty years of biomedical and health technologies in cooperation with Mediterranean countries: scenarios for new projects; Valter Pagani, EucGroup, Brussels (by teleconference) 5.15 pm Networking and discussion Towards a Mediterranean Health Technology Observatory
Olohealth: telemedicine for the management of patients with oral cancer and for special care; Olga Di Fede, University of Palermo
Telemonitoring of chronic patients; Sergio Bella, Bambino Gesù Hospital, Rome, Vice-President @ITIM 10.45 am Coffee break 11.00 am Session 3: e-Health, health networks and international cooperation Health without barriers: the global village; Livia Bellina, President of MobileDiagnosis®Onlus, Palermo
e-Health, bio and neuroinformatics in national and European projects; Luciano Milanesi, CNR-IstitutoTecnologie Biomediche, Milan
Telemedicine Consultation in Developing Countries; Michelangelo Bartolo, San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, Rome, Ferrari, La Sapienza University, Rome), F. Erba, University of Tor Vergata, Rome
Telepathology in cooperation with Africa; Matteo Botteghi, WorldConnex, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Innovation in Medicine in Albania; Xheladin Dracini, Dean of Medicine Faculty, University of Tirana
Challenges and international evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Telemedicne in Healthcare and Health; James Goldberg, Education Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, International Directorate, Expert Commission and U Health Innovation Evaluations Investment Global Health Group Academy Health USA 1.00 pm Conclusions Chairs: Adelfio Elio Cardinale, Vice President of the Superior Council of Health, President of the “Italian Society of the History of Medicine” Francesco Sicurello, President of IITM / @ ITIM, University of Milan Bicocca Scientific Committee
Francesco Amenta, President of CIRM – International Center for Medical Radio, Rome
Claudio Azzolini University Insubria, Varese hospital
Giuseppe Badolato, Lawyer, Association of the Court for the Protection of Health, Jura Hominis
Nello Balossino, University of Turin
Sergio Bella, IRCCS Bambino Gesù Hospital, Rome
Livia Bellina, President of MobileDiagnosis®Onlus
Donatella Bonaiuti, OU Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, ASST Monza; SIMFER
Matteo Botteghi, WorldConnex, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Luca Buccoliero, Boconi University, Milan
Luigi Capasso, University of C hieti
Renato Caruso, University of Palermo
Massimo Casciello, Ministry of Health
Antonio Colombo, Brianteo Neurological Center
Gabriele Concordia, CTO-Pini Milan, AIT @ SIT
Salvatore Corrao, University of Palermo
Paolo Cristiani, CBIM Pavia
Giulio Del Popolo, Careggi Hospital Florence
Giuseppe De Pietro, ICAR-CNR
Olga Di Fede, University of Palermo
Giuseppina Di Lauro, Dedalus Solutions Pisa
Gaetano Dipietro, Ass. Itali. Medicine Disasters
Maria Luisa Ganadu, University of Sassari
Maria Carla Gilardi, CNR – IBFM, Milan
Alberto Lazzèro, Un. Turin, Hospital Briançon
Alfio Lombardo, University of Catania
Leonardo Longo, Laser Institute, Florence
Francesco Maiuri, CNR Rome
Salvo Mannino, Territorial Health Agency Cremona-Mantua
Giancarlo Mauri, University of Milan – Bicocca
Giulia Letizia Mauro, University of Palermo
Massimo Midiri, University of Palermo
Luciano Milanesi, CNR-IstitutoTecnologie Biomediche, Milan
Concetta Mirisola, INMP Rome
Vincenzo Montericcio, Fatebenefratell Holy Family Hospital, Erba (CO)
Angela Morreale, Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute
Alfredo Nicolosi, ITB – CNR, Milan
Vincenzo Nicosia, Saipem
Immacolata Pannone, Foreign Ministry
Antonio Pugliese, University of Messina
Fabrizio L. Ricci, CNR Rome
Marina Rizzo, Neurologist Palermo, A.I.D.M. Italian Association of Medical Women
Antonio Romano, Health / Immigration Consultant
Lorenzo Rossano, University of Palermo, Telmedx, California
Orazio Schillaci, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Giusto Sciarabba, doctor Cooperaz. International Twass Trieste
Gianfranco Sinagra, Cardiology Gattinara Hospital Trieste
Umberto Solimene, University of Milan and FEMTEC (Worldwide Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy)
Giuseppe Tritto, WABT Paris
Maurizio Urso, ICAR-CNR Palermo
Ketty Vaccaro, CENSIS, Rome Technical Organizing Committee
Marina Rizzo, Dora Di Cara, Lorenzo Rossano, Carmelo Chiarelli, Giosina Sicurello For more information, contact: IITM Secretariat, segreteria@iitm.eu
Telecommunications technologies for present and future medicine; Alfio Lombardo, University of Catania)
Cognitive disability; Angela Morreale, Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute, Imola
Molecular imaging and applications in radiotherapy; Maria Carla Gilardi ,. IBFM-CNR Milan – Giorgio Russo, IBFM-CNR, UOS Hospital of Cefalù
Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence in Oncological Imaging; Leonardo Rundo, University of Milan-Bicocca and CNR-IBFM UOS Cefalù
Big Data in Medicine; Giuseppe De Pietro, ICAR-CNR, Maurizio Urso, ICAR-CNR Palermo
PET Therapy and Geriatrics; Antonio Pugliese, University of Messina 11.30 am . Coffee break 11.45 am . Networking and discussion 12. 30 am . Lunch Break 2.00 pm Greeting address Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of Palermo 2.15 pm Introduced and presided: Adelfio Elio Cardinale, President of the “Italian Society of the History of Medicine”, Vice President of the Superior Council of Health Special Session / Workshop: Diseases, health conditions and socio-health aspects in the immigration emergency Marina Rizzo, Santa Sofia Hospital Palermo, President A.I.D.M. Italian Association of Medical Women, Palermo
Stefano Riva di Sanseverino, University of Palermo
Giuseppe Tritto, WABT Unesco, Paris
Maria Luisa Ganadu, University of Sassari dumas
Francesco Amenta, President of CIRM – International Center for Medical Radio, Rome
Gaetano Dipietro, President of the Italian Association of Disaster Medicine
Fabio D’Agostino / Salvatore Zichichi, Italian Red Cross, Palermo 4.30 pm . Coffee break 4.45 pm .Mediterranean Network for Medicine (Med2Net, Mediterranean Medical Network) From the Intr @ Med project between the Italian Hospital Umberto I in Cairo and the ARNAS Civic Hospital of Palermo to EMMIT (Euro-Mediterranean Medical Informatics & Telemedicine) Cooperation; Francesco Sicurello, President of IITM / @ ITIM, University of Milan Bicocca
Evolution of the last twenty years of biomedical and health technologies in cooperation with Mediterranean countries: scenarios for new projects; Valter Pagani, EucGroup, Brussels (by teleconference) 5.15 pm Networking and discussion Towards a Mediterranean Health Technology Observatory
.30 pm. Social Dinner Saturday 6 October 2018 9.00 am .Session 2: ICT in Healthcare, information systems and telemedicine and telemonitoring services IT systems, telematic networks and wearable sensors in healthcare: a combination … beneficial! – Decision management in the hospital sector; Lorenzo Rossano, University of Palermo, Telmedx (USA – California) – Proof of use of the HIDSS system; Clint Carney, Telmdx San Diego, in electronic connection – Sensing principles and biomedical interface electronics; Costantino Giaconia, University of Palermo Semantic Standardization of Information Systems for the integration of Social-Health Services; Fabrizio L. Ricci, LAVSE Laboratory – CNR RomeOlohealth: telemedicine for the management of patients with oral cancer and for special care; Olga Di Fede, University of Palermo
Telemonitoring of chronic patients; Sergio Bella, Bambino Gesù Hospital, Rome, Vice-President @ITIM 10.45 am Coffee break 11.00 am Session 3: e-Health, health networks and international cooperation Health without barriers: the global village; Livia Bellina, President of MobileDiagnosis®Onlus, Palermo
e-Health, bio and neuroinformatics in national and European projects; Luciano Milanesi, CNR-IstitutoTecnologie Biomediche, Milan
Telemedicine Consultation in Developing Countries; Michelangelo Bartolo, San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, Rome, Ferrari, La Sapienza University, Rome), F. Erba, University of Tor Vergata, Rome
Telepathology in cooperation with Africa; Matteo Botteghi, WorldConnex, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Innovation in Medicine in Albania; Xheladin Dracini, Dean of Medicine Faculty, University of Tirana
Challenges and international evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Telemedicne in Healthcare and Health; James Goldberg, Education Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, International Directorate, Expert Commission and U Health Innovation Evaluations Investment Global Health Group Academy Health USA 1.00 pm Conclusions Chairs: Adelfio Elio Cardinale, Vice President of the Superior Council of Health, President of the “Italian Society of the History of Medicine” Francesco Sicurello, President of IITM / @ ITIM, University of Milan Bicocca Scientific Committee
Francesco Amenta, President of CIRM – International Center for Medical Radio, Rome
Claudio Azzolini University Insubria, Varese hospital
Giuseppe Badolato, Lawyer, Association of the Court for the Protection of Health, Jura Hominis
Nello Balossino, University of Turin
Sergio Bella, IRCCS Bambino Gesù Hospital, Rome
Livia Bellina, President of MobileDiagnosis®Onlus
Donatella Bonaiuti, OU Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, ASST Monza; SIMFER
Matteo Botteghi, WorldConnex, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Luca Buccoliero, Boconi University, Milan
Luigi Capasso, University of C hieti
Renato Caruso, University of Palermo
Massimo Casciello, Ministry of Health
Antonio Colombo, Brianteo Neurological Center
Gabriele Concordia, CTO-Pini Milan, AIT @ SIT
Salvatore Corrao, University of Palermo
Paolo Cristiani, CBIM Pavia
Giulio Del Popolo, Careggi Hospital Florence
Giuseppe De Pietro, ICAR-CNR
Olga Di Fede, University of Palermo
Giuseppina Di Lauro, Dedalus Solutions Pisa
Gaetano Dipietro, Ass. Itali. Medicine Disasters
Maria Luisa Ganadu, University of Sassari
Maria Carla Gilardi, CNR – IBFM, Milan
Alberto Lazzèro, Un. Turin, Hospital Briançon
Alfio Lombardo, University of Catania
Leonardo Longo, Laser Institute, Florence
Francesco Maiuri, CNR Rome
Salvo Mannino, Territorial Health Agency Cremona-Mantua
Giancarlo Mauri, University of Milan – Bicocca
Giulia Letizia Mauro, University of Palermo
Massimo Midiri, University of Palermo
Luciano Milanesi, CNR-IstitutoTecnologie Biomediche, Milan
Concetta Mirisola, INMP Rome
Vincenzo Montericcio, Fatebenefratell Holy Family Hospital, Erba (CO)
Angela Morreale, Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute
Alfredo Nicolosi, ITB – CNR, Milan
Vincenzo Nicosia, Saipem
Immacolata Pannone, Foreign Ministry
Antonio Pugliese, University of Messina
Fabrizio L. Ricci, CNR Rome
Marina Rizzo, Neurologist Palermo, A.I.D.M. Italian Association of Medical Women
Antonio Romano, Health / Immigration Consultant
Lorenzo Rossano, University of Palermo, Telmedx, California
Orazio Schillaci, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Giusto Sciarabba, doctor Cooperaz. International Twass Trieste
Gianfranco Sinagra, Cardiology Gattinara Hospital Trieste
Umberto Solimene, University of Milan and FEMTEC (Worldwide Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy)
Giuseppe Tritto, WABT Paris
Maurizio Urso, ICAR-CNR Palermo
Ketty Vaccaro, CENSIS, Rome Technical Organizing Committee
Marina Rizzo, Dora Di Cara, Lorenzo Rossano, Carmelo Chiarelli, Giosina Sicurello For more information, contact: IITM Secretariat, segreteria@iitm.eu
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