Freeway 66, a place of charme
The place is elegant, clean and bright, a restaurant surrounded by gardens which has many attractions. First, a nice appetizer, fresh, beautiful, different seafood. And then, welcoming table service. The young boss attentive in understanding customer preferences, soliciting customer comments. The family that manages the premises, the employees, the name of the restaurant, the furniture and the food. Everything tells a story to the guests.
In short, we simply feel to say that eating here is not just about enjoying food, but also a pleasure to relax. The chef is young but has many years of managerial experience. The dishes are many and all very good. The most characteristic, a “chaos” of flavors is my favorite (photo below).
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“La Vucciria” the market goes around the world
Leoluca Orlando opent The Global Parliament of Mayors in Den-Haag. September 2016.
A delegation of OSF in Palermo
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Small local producers at a Food show in N.Y.
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