Estonia opens a consulate in Palermo
The seat of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Estonia for Sicily was inaugurated. Honorary consul is Professor Antonello Miranda. The inauguration was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Estonia in Italy, HE Celia Kuningas-Saagpakk, the Consul General at the Embassy Gerli Roos, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia Rainer Saks, the Regional Councilor Roberto Lagalla representing the President of the Region, FrancescoBertolino, President of the Cultural Commission of the Municipality representing the Mayor of Palermo, as well as a representative of the Consular Corps of Palermo.
“The institution of the honorary consulate of Estonia for Sicily – underlines the consul Antonello Miranda – strengthens the relationships existing between our countries and is a testimony of great interest for Sicily. In this way, Estonia wants to promote cultural exchanges and develop commercial ones, also through a substantial flow of tourists “.
“It is our intention – continues Professor Miranda – to disseminate as much knowledge as possible between Estonia and Sicily and to encourage the emergence and growth of commercial and industrial activities that can cooperate by creating development and employment in both territories. Estonia, today the most advanced country for digitization, is also an important model of digital democracy and smart society, particularly interesting for our region, offering, finally, investment and development opportunities for Sicilian companies thanks to the “Electronic residence” which drastically simplifies the problems of a bureaucratic and fiscal nature “.
The seat of the Consulate of Estonia for Sicily is located in Via Dante 332 in Palermo
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