Erasmus Training Day
On Friday, September 29, 2017, at the Cultural Shipyards at Zisa, will take place the Palermo Day of Training Day, promoted by the Eurodesk Local Center of the City of Palermo, in cooperation with the Erasmus + Vet National Agency.
Eurodesk Italy – which the Municipal Administration has joined in March of last year – is the Italian Network for Information, Orientation and Promotion of European Policies for Youth, promoted by the European Union and the Council of Europe in the following areas: school , working and volunteering.
The seminar will last approximately 5 hours and will take place within a day.
The purpose of the Training Day is to deepen the main aspects of design within the European Erasmus + program: Education and Professional Training.
The Training Day is for representatives of school institutes, organizations, organizations that intend to improve the quality of their design by developing qualitatively valid ideas.
No subscription or attendance costs are included in the seminar, nor refunds for participants’ meals, accommodation and travel costs, to which a certificate of attendance will be delivered.
Work Program and Registration Form at http: //
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