Blind actors from all over Europe will act in opera Orpheus ed Eurydice

They came from all over Europe to the Institute for the Blind in Palermo to organize a theater show.
They are the volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps, coordinated by the InformaGiovani Association, who for two weeks will work together with the young users of the Institute within the HesoESC project, financed by the European Union.
The fourteen volunteers come from France, Germany, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, as well as from Italy and under the coordination of Valeria Sara Lo Bue who oversaw the adaptation and direction, they are preparing a version of Orpheus and Eurydice adapted to the people with sensory problems.
For two weeks, the volunteers dedicated their mornings to preparing the show and their afternoons to small maintenance jobs in the "sensory garden" housed within the Institute.
Tuesday 21st morning, the final event with the performance of this very particular version of the opera.
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