Airport of Palermo, 44 million euro financing
A free loan agreement of 44 million euros was offered to Gesap, the airport management company of Palermo, from the pool of banks made up of Unicredit and Intesa Sanpaolo. The financial support will be provided for the interventions envisaged in the four-year plan of investments at Palermo Airport: extraordinary maintenance of the slopes, renovation and antisismic adaptation of the Terminal.
The whole operation turned out to be very complex. Following it at all stages, until the signing of the contract – reached within a few months – was the managing director of Gesap, Giuseppe Mistretta, in execution of the mandate received from the Board last February.
“The economic conditions underlying the contract – says Gesap – have been considerably improved compared to those in the” term sheet” proposed by the banks, which in an operation of this size have allowed to generate significant economies.”
The whole operation turned out to be very complex. Following it at all stages, until the signing of the contract – reached within a few months – was the managing director of Gesap, Giuseppe Mistretta, in execution of the mandate received from the Board last February.
“The economic conditions underlying the contract – says Gesap – have been considerably improved compared to those in the” term sheet” proposed by the banks, which in an operation of this size have allowed to generate significant economies.”
Fabio Giambrone
Giuseppe Mistretta
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