A delegation from the “Hunan Institute of Science & Technology” in Yueyang City is in Palermo

A delegation from the “Hunan Institute of Science & Technology” in Yueyang City, in the city for the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the University of Palermo for the exchange of lectures and scientific contributions. Among the delegates also Professor Li Ming , political secretary of the Chinese university and the director of international relations of the university Professor Chen Yu. The delegation, accompanied by Professor Giusi Tamburello, consultant of the Municipality of Palermo for relations with China, was received by Mayor Leoluca Orlando at the Palazzo delle Aquile. “After the visit of President Xi Jinping – the mayor declared – the relations between the reality of Palermo and the Chinese realities on the cultural front are intensified and soon also on that of economic and commercial relations. A prospect of collaborations at various levels which involves different sectors of our community, from the academic to the entrepreneurial one “.

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