A cooperation agreement has been signed between the Fisheries District and Ghana

A cooperation agreement has been signed by the Distretto della Pesca (Fisheries District) and Ghana. The agreement was concluded during “Ghana. Tasting Africa “, international meeting on Ghana, which has opened in recent days in Palermo to continue in Mazara del Vallo in the context of Blue Sea Land. Precisely in Mazara there was a meeting between the president of the district Fishing Nino Carlino, Dario Cartabellotta, general manager of the Mediterranean Fishing Department of the Sicilian Region, Minister Plenipotentiary Jonathan Magnusen of the Embassy of Ghana in Italy, Francis Ke Nunoo,  Chief Director at the Ministry of Fisheries of Ghana and the Honorary Consul of Ghana in Sicily Francesco Campagna.

The operating methods that will serve to strengthen and implement the collaboration agreement signed between the Fisheries District and the Ministry of Fisheries of Ghana have been defined.

“We have laid the foundations for developing concrete transnational collaboration initiatives between the Region of Sicily and Ghana – said Francesco Campagna, Honorary Consul of Ghana -. the agreement signed with the Ministry of Fisheries goes into an operational phase with the launch of the bilateral Committee that will deal with the planning of specific actions; the area in Ghana has already been identified, which will be the subject of development programs aimed at creating a local cluster to support the beneficiary community in collaboration with Sicilian public and private operators “.

“I trust in the operational network that was realized thanks to the commitment of the Department of fisheries  with the general manager Dario Cartabellotta – said Campagna – and of the production district of Mazara del Vallo with the President Nino Carlino, who is enthusiastically continuing the work of  Giovanni Tumbiolo, to whom we owe the intuition that has opened this new way towards Ghana”.

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