A conference about Mediterranean centrality

Centrality of the Mediterranean, centrality of Italy, centrality of Sicily. The earthquake that has hit the geopolitical balance, but also the economic structure of globalization, has opened up an exceptional opportunity for a role in a geographical area that contains in its DNA the ability to be a pole of dialogue, trade and innovation . Precisely to turn the spotlight on these opportunities, the Port System Authority of the western Sicilian Sea has chosen to call to the discussion table some of the best-known testimonials capable of highlighting from different points of view and in different supply chains this - almost - regained reality. The conference was held at the new cruise terminal in the port of Palermo
Misha Lenn a Palermo
Record di turisti a Palermo
A Palermo Delina Villiers-Steenkamp, Ministro plenipotenziario del Sudafrica
Progetti in comune Sicilia –Tirana.
Dronitalia, a Palermo start-up with Turkish capital, will take care of the surveillance of infrastructures and geographical areas
Vietnamese Culture Festival in Palermo
Freeway 66, a place of charme
“Indigenous question and vision of the other in the historiography of the New World”
The Monastery of Santa Caterina open to the public
Instituto Cervantes miércoles 19 de abril la película Mi gran Noche
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