在Palazzo Mirto,我们看到了对中国艺术和文化的兴趣
这座经历了不同时代的宫殿,palazzo morto, 仍然凸显出她的华丽富贵,气派高雅。 从丰富的展品中,我看到了意大利人很多年前,就对中国感兴趣。 ...
At Palazzo Mirto proof of the interest in Chinese art and culture
This palace, which has experienced different eras, Palazzo Mirto, still underlines its grandeur and elegance. From rich exhibits, I discovered that Italians were interested in China many years ago. Attracted above all by silks, porcelains and hand-made objects but also by everything that expresses the tastes of life ...
A Palazzo Mirto testimonianze dell’interesse per l’arte e la cultura cinesi
Questo palazzo, che ha vissuto epoche diverse, Palazzo Mirto, sottolinea ancora la sua grandezza ed eleganza. Dalle ricche esposizioni, ho scoperto che gli italiani erano interessati alla Cina già molti anni fa. Attratti soprattutto dalle sete, dalle porcellane e da oggetti fatti mano ma anche da tutto ciò che ...
Foreign students for the internationalization of Sicilian companies: the 2019 Summer Internship Camp starts
A start-up that connecting companies from the provinces of Palermo and Trapani with foreign universities, with a specific purpose: "Export Sicily, remaining in Sicily". These are the objectives of St Sicily, and of the Internship camp, which starts the summer edition of 2019, now in its third season. The ...