The Conservatory of Palermo: 400 years of history
The Conservatory of Palermo: 400 years of history is the title of the international conference that from 26th to 28th October will take place in Palermo. International renowned historians of music and scholars will talk about past events and the future of one of the oldest conservatories in Italy . The Scientific ...
Secondo appuntamento con “Melting pot”, i seminari internazionali di architettura
Martedì 24 ottobre, alle 17 nella sede dell’Ance di Palermo, nella Sala Florio di Palazzo Forcella De Seta secondo appuntamento con “Melting pot”, il ciclo di seminari internazionali sulla rigenerazione urbana. Luis Suarez Mansilla e Asier Santas Torres Si tratta di seminari tenuti da dieci studi ...
Teatro Massimo, “Innovation on stage”, the virtual tour behind the scenes
It will be like going upstairs, peering behind the closed curtain and seeing the hectic activity that precedes the start of a show: everything the audience can not see, what coaches, dressmakers, tailors, electricians, audio technicians, stage directors do. It is "Innovation on stage", the virtual tour that ...
Palermo Airport is the first Sicilian airfield to get the new European certification
Palermo Airport is the first Sicilian airfield to get the new European certification issued by Enac, the national civil aviation organization. This morning, Enac's Chief Financial Officer Roberto Vergari delivered Fabio Giambrone and Giuseppe Mistretta, chairman and managing director of Gesap, Palermo airport ...