New project for a hub in Sicily

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The Sicilian port system for its central location in the Mediterranean and the proximity to the Suez Canal, doubled a few days ago, is a natural candidate to become the stopover port hub in southern Europe. It is a natural evolution when you consider that, compared to a trip to Rotterdam, you would save days of ...

Wine Cities elect their “mayor”

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It will take place next fall the "Selection of the Mayor", the international wine competition which aim is to promote companies and territories that produce quality wines (DOC, DOCG, IGT) in small lots (1,000 to 50,000 bottles). The competition is so named because participate both company and the ...

Progetti per un porto hub in Sicilia

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Il sistema portuale siciliano per la sua posizione centrale nel Mediterraneo e la vicinanza con il canale di Suez, da pochi giorni raddoppiato, è il candidato naturale a diventare lo scalo portuale hub dell’Europa meridionale. Si tratta di un’evoluzione naturale se si considera che, rispetto ad un viaggio a ...